Saturday, April 5, 2008


i just saw one of the rarest items on runescape. i was also lucky that she did the emote. she was very stubburn and would not do it until i sold her my d simy. luckely she got one in the g.e. and did the emote. only 27 people in runescape have one. :)


Kitt said...

That's the closest I've come to seeing a summoning cape. I'm sure she gets a ton of "emote plz" every time she wears it.

Em said...

Hello, Ox. You'll have fun blogging like me. ^_^ :)

I'd like to share where my blog is, it's mostly a log of my RS levels, but there are a little of my real-life entries; also horrible drawings I had made for my friends. X):

Runekilla323 said...

i would like to congratulate you peoples on being the first to post.
i have been watching you blog for the past...2 months? big fan :D
i will add you to my friend list thingy on da blog

Eman said...

ooo I remember you your that guy that said leave Em alone when shes mine! Em's right you'll have fun blogging